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Atlanta, GA, United States
In this season, I will be sharing my heart.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


When me and my ex stopped praying together I knew we were in trouble. If you are reading this and you are married and not praying with your spouse, let's just say it's not good. If you are planning to get married, please start praying now. I thought I could stand in the gap and intercede for our family hoping it would turn the situation around. The truth of the matter is a wife needs a covering. Sure God covers us as His children, but when a couple marries in Christ there are roles to fulfill. The husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loves the Church and be willing to die for her. The wife is commanded to reference and respect her husband. But if the husband is not leading and daily covering his family in prayer the wife will assume the position and get beat up in every way. If there are children involved, they will suffer too. As the wife assumes the husband's role she will not only experience sever pain, but it is very tiring to carry the weight. I have been there and it hurts deeply when a Christian husband decides not to be the priest of his home. Through the process of being married and now divorced, I understand that the foundation of intimacy is created through prayer. Date nights are fun, making love is great, but once a Christian couple stops praying together "true" intimacy is lost. Praying separately is always a plus, but when you pray together as a couple, speaking the word of God over one another, it creates a united front in the spirit realm. This closeness will keep you in harmony and at peace with one another. You will find even in disagreements, the Holy Spirit will urge someone or both of you to either apologize or simply yield to the other. I believe couples should pray together every day no matter what they're going through. It may sound extreme but there is a real battle going on to divide households. There is a scripture in the Book of Ephesians 4 that says, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger". In other words before you go to bed with your spouse always kiss and makeup. Let your mate know you love them and want to allow God to be the final authority on the situation. Pray over it together. We have to make sure the air is clear before we close our eyes.

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