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Atlanta, GA, United States
In this season, I will be sharing my heart.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Cheering Section

When God begins to remove people from your life you thought you needed in order to be happy and successful--it hurts to the core because these are some of the very people who have been with you for years. They have always been supportive, encouraging, and loyal through every trial. Now all of a sudden they are not around. But we have to remember, The Lord is very strategic with His plans. He knows how to position individuals in our lives. Over time, I am learning The Lord makes the shift in our inner circle for the protection of the vision and/or ministry. People can have all sorts of opinions about what you should do and how you should do it and if these same people have influence in your life, He may remove them for a season. Another reason is so that He will receive all the glory and the honor for the blessings, favor, and miracles happening in your life. So don't fret, become depressed or feel alone when God begins the shift. After the smoke clears, you will notice how He will begin to send and schedule DIVINE appointments regarding your vision. Rejoice when people walk away. God is in control and has a "perfect plan". Trust Him. We must move forward without the praise and encouragement of others. Never feel stuck. King David encouraged himself in The Lord and we must do the same. During this season we may not have many people around us but we have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on in heaven. We have a team of angels surrounding us. You are blessed because of who God says you are and not because of who is with you and what people say about you. Cheering sections can have power over you....But God is intervening now by saying, "I made you and I am giving you the power you need to succeed!" The Lord wants us to fully understand He is with us and we should press forward in victory without the praise and encouragement of others because all praise, glory and honor belongs to God and God alone.

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